riamae121: so in my internet perusing i came across this clip...


so in my internet perusing i came across this clip featuring rick genest aka zombie boy. he is probably most famous for being in Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” video but i thought this clip gave a really cool opportunity to see what he would look like without all the tatts. the interesting thing is - he seemed most comfortable in his real skin as it is now all covered in tattoos. even though his look with all the cover up was what aught to be the more “natural” look between the two, his true identity is his tattoos and that is when he looked most natural and relaxed. goes to show - it never serves to try to fit into some mold that does not feel like you. you really must listen to your inner voice and follow your own personal path. when you stay true to yourself that is when you are your most authentic, that is when you shine, when you radiate and have the most impact and are the most beautiful.

bonus: here is the behind the scenes clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLpbMqQMelk&feature=fvwrel

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